We handle escrow from opening to closing for you. These services are complimentary for transactions involving HL leads. For non-HL leads, contact Karin to find out more.
Free Service
We're here to create a Salesforce escrow file for you. It's a complimentary service from Hawaii Life.
Enter Client into Salesforce
Create Salesforce Escrow File
Upload Executed Documents to Salesforce
Basic Service
We assist you with prep, creating an action plan and streamlined management.
Enter Client into Salesforce
Create Salesforce Escrow File
Create Escrow Instructions from Salesforce
Send Opening Escrow Instructions
Upload Executed Documents to Salesforce
Create an Action Plan (Timeline)
Audit/Confirm All Required Documents in Salesforce
Prepare Closing Checklist
Send Closing Checklist to BIC
Full Service
A full service package, including sending and updating action plans, docusign, addendums and scheduling.
Enter Client into Salesforce
Create Salesforce Escrow File
Create Escrow Instructions from Salesforce
Send Opening Escrow Instructions
Upload Executed Documents to Salesforce
Create an Action Plan (Timeline)
Send Action Plan Reminder to Agent
Update Action Plan During Transaction
Create + Send Contingency Releases
Create + Send DocuSign Envelopes
Create + Send Addendums/Amendments
Schedule (Inspections, Survey, Staking)
Audit/Confirm All Required Documents in Salesforce
Prepare Closing Checklist
Send Closing Checklist to BIC