Luxury Portfolio
Luxury Portfolio is the largest network of top independent brokerages in the world, and is a program for $1M+ listings, available to all Hawaii Life agents for an annual fee.
Why Join?
- Website exposure
- Automated exposure on partner websites
- Exposure on Luxury Portfolio's blog
- Global exposure on ( $ )
- Access to an online listing presentation customizer (free)
- Access to an online banner ad program ( $ )
- Personalized letters mailed directly to your clients introducing the program
- Luxury Porfolio magazine subscription for up to 25 clients (free)
- Automated high res listing photo syndication (upload your high res listing images one time)
- Access to listing statistics (NOTE FOR KARIN: let's elaborate more here - is it stats on how many times the listing viewed?)
- Press release / public relations opportunities (explore new trends, inspiring architects, etc)
- Social media opportunities
LuxPort Marketing Reminders
Luxury Portfolio FAQs
Q: How do I Login?
LuxeXchange Portal (administer your profile, properties, marketing materials, etc):